Takeaways from Mayfield’s Conditioning Programs

Mayfield’s girls are back on campus! Well, at least some of them. The first 5-week conditioning program running September 28 through October 30 offered programs for golf, volleyball, yoga, water polo, cross country, and regular conditioning. While practicing social distancing and taking the necessary precautions, these programs are an efficient way to prepare students for their upcoming sport seasons during the school year.
The sport specific programs are meant for girls interested in playing that particular sport for Mayfield this year, while the conditioning and yoga programs were recommended for student athletes whose sport does not have another designated program.
“Yoga has been really fun so far and I’m super grateful Mayfield is giving us this opportunity,” said Isabella Augustine ‘21.
Amy Baum ‘22, who plays for the Mayfield golf team and took part in the golf conditioning program, said “It was nice to have a reminder that we, as a family at Mayfield, are so close and supportive.”
Around 40-50 girls were scheduled on campus each day for some outdoor, socially distant, mask-wearing exercise. For some freshmen students, this was the first chance they’ve had to be to work with teammates this school year.
“I was extremely excited to be on campus, finally,” Isabella Rizzi ‘24 who plans to play on the water polo team.
Cecilia Kvochak ‘23, part of the cross country conditioning program, said, “I love being back with the team again and meeting all the new freshmen.”
“I’m glad we got to have this opportunity,” Holly Hillman ‘24 said. “ I made new friends I would have never had because of covid.”

As a result of opening these conditioning programs, many precautions were needed during the students’ time on campus. Students who took part in the program felt the precautionary guidelines that were put in place were sufficient to prevent the spread of Covid 19.
“I don’t think I was scared about Covid because it was small groups and we were outside,”
Anna Kingston ‘24 who enrolled in the regular conditioning program said.
Augustine also felt secure with the safety measures taken for the program, “I didn’t feel too worried about the virus because I knew Mayfield was being super cautious and taking all precautions when it came to keeping us safe.”
“During conditioning everyone was wearing masks and stayed 6 feet apart,” said Baum. “Additionally, a symptom check is required before everyone meets, so that was also very reassuring.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely taken an impactful toll on all. Now, more than ever, the community can appreciate how important in-person connection is and the role it plays in everyday lives.
“We must take the guidelines seriously not only to keep our Mayfield community safe, but also so that we can be back with each other as soon as possible,” Hillman said.

Monica Zepeda is a senior at Mayfield Senior School. She joined the Mayfield Crier as a freshman and as a senior, she will serve as Co-Editor-in-Chief...