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The Student News Site of Mayfield Senior School

The Mayfield Crier

The Student News Site of Mayfield Senior School

The Mayfield Crier

The Student News Site of Mayfield Senior School

The Mayfield Crier

Sophia Kroe

Sophia Kroe, Staff Writer

Sophia Kroe is a senior at Mayfield Senior School and a staff writer for the Mayfield Crier. She joined the team of reporters her freshman year. Sophia loves studying current events and hopes to continue reporting on relevant issues for the Mayfield community.  In 9th grade, she won a Gold Key and an American Voices nomination for her opinion article, “If We Can Dance Ballet, Why Shouldn’t Prince George?” at the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.  Aside from newspaper, Sophia is the co-head of the Sacristan-Liturgy Tech Committee on Campus Ministry, a member of the photography conservatory, plays for Mayfield’s badminton team, and worked as the summer chemistry TA during the summer of 2022.  She is looking forward to her final year as a reporter!

All content by Sophia Kroe
Best Environmental Practices

Best Environmental Practices

Sophia Kroe, Staff Writer
March 5, 2020
Test Your Snowledge (snow knowledge)

Test Your Snowledge (snow knowledge)

Sophia Kroe, Staff Writer
December 20, 2019
The Freshman had an interactive and fun day at Tom Sawyer Camp located at Hahamongna Watershed Park, La Canada, where they had an entire class team bonding day on October 16. They participated in many different types of team building activities, and learned the valuable role that communication plays in working towards a common goal together. Natalie Miera ‘23 reflected saying, “I liked how all the activities forced us to think outside the box. I also liked how the activities made us use each other’s ideas.” The day consisted of various challenges with each holding their own special value to help the students grow as noble Cubs. One activity consisted of balancing a group of nails on one head. It proved to be quite difficult for about 90% of the groups according to Eric Ikari who is the program director for Tom Sawyer. The entire day experience had a great impact on Mayfield’s girls who came out with new morals on their minds. Class of 2023, Chelsea Ng says, “I liked how everyone bonded, and worked together.” Connections were made and relationships came out stronger among our Cubs. Karina Norton ‘23 shared with us her concluding thoughts: “I got to know some of my classmates better, and it was really fun!” What a Great Day! The Freshman had an interactive and fun day at Tom Sawyer Camp located at Hahamongna Watershed Park, La Canada, where they had an entire class bonding day. They participated in many different types of team building activities and learned the valuable role that communication plays in working towards a common goal together. The entire experience had a great impact on Mayfield’s girls who came out with new morals on their minds.
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