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The Student News Site of Mayfield Senior School

The Mayfield Crier

The Student News Site of Mayfield Senior School

The Mayfield Crier

The Student News Site of Mayfield Senior School

The Mayfield Crier


Emelia Lagousis, Staff Writer

Emelia is a Junior at Mayfield Senior School and a member of the Los Angeles WriteGirls program. She loves reading and is very excited to create a book review column for the Mayfield Crier. Emelia has limited experience on the Crier but has practiced journalism and her love of history by working with Veterans to record their oral history stories for their families and later to share. She hopes to one day be a history professor, and to publish her fictional stories and poems. She also hopes you enjoy reading her writing and are inspired to read something new!

All content by Emelia Lagousis
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