Mayfield Dance Conservatory’s production of Rehumanize recently blended various arts to invent a unique performance that invited the audience to ponder the questions that the dancers posed: What makes you feel human? This amazing product was the result of thirty-nine Mayfield artists across various mediums, from voice-overs to poetry to visual arts to technical theater, and of course, dancers. The show was staged to appear as though the dancers were in a café, with the performers mimicking general human interactions between performances. Each piece represented a course on the menu, while exploring concepts such as humanizing emotion, female stereotypes, and shared experiences that all humans encounter. As dance teacher and lead choreographer Ms. Alaways reminded the school during the dance preview, this show was interactive, engaging its viewers not just to explore the themes, but to react to the movements as well, and even to join the dancers onstage at the end of the show. This element of participation is especially relevant to the show’s topic itself: rehumanizing, or reconnecting with others despite societal boundaries and identity differences. Given the performance’s relevance to today’s world, which seems to use media as a tool for separating and categorizing the world’s inhabitants through hatred and violence, the dance show especially highlighted our similarities through the teenage female experience every Mayfield student faces. It managed to move and to connect all its viewers, and was a stunning representation of the skill and hard work every artist contributed for such a fantastic outcome.