Members of Mayfield’s Creative Writing, Theatre, and Technical Theatre arts conservatories were joined by members of SJLC at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles ahead of Mayfield’s Fall play, The Diary of Anne Frank. Students had the opportunity to explore the Anne Frank exhibit at the museum, which featured the historic story recorded in her diary, as well as a background on her childhood before going into hiding. Students were able to learn about her family, as well as her legacy following the publishing of her diary. Students also visited the Social lab, an recently opened exhibit where modern issues are displayed through several interactive experiences. The various presentations educate visitors on issues like climate change, social injustice, and the media crisis while also offering solutions of how people can promote change around these issues. “It was a very eye-opening experience.” said Ja’Mya Johnson ‘24. “It gives us a deeper understanding that we’re not playing characters, we’re playing actual people.” said Anne Frank cast member Madelyn Hammer ‘26. The excursion connected students with the past, so they can apply their knowledge to their current experiences, growing towards a better future.
Mayfield Minute: Museum Of Tolerance
Mary Bingham, Column Editor
September 21, 2023
About the Contributor

Mary Bingham, Column Editor
Mary Bingham is a sophomore at Mayfield. In addition to being the Column Editor on the Crier, she is a member of Mayfield’s Theatre Conservatory, participating in both the fall play and the spring musical. She is also a theater representative on the Arts Council and a member of Campus Ministry. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, singing, songwriting, listening to music, reading, watching movies, and spending time with friends and family. She is especially interested in writing about entertainment and pop culture.