Letter from the Editor: January 2023

Happy New Year Mayfield! It’s officially 2023 and Cubs are back on campus. Strub Hall is once again populated with plaid skirts and red Mayfield sweatshirts. As a graduating senior, 2023 will be a year of endings and beginnings. This year, I will be saying goodbye to the smiling faces of my friends at Mayfield and welcoming what comes after high school. 

Looking back at 2022, I am so proud of the great work of The Mayfield Crier staff! This past year, staff writers explored fascinating journalism topics from social commentary on TikTok fame to investigations on topical politics to campus news like the ant crisis in the fall. Furthermore, 2022 introduced new sections to the Crier. This past year Cubs Student News became Mayfield’s first broadcast news program while the short Mayfield Minute briefs recounted campus events and festivities. Additionally, this past year our writers won many awards including recognition from NPR, Scholastic Writing Awards, and The New York Times! 

The Crier staff has welcomed many new writers, including many freshmen. It has been so amazing to watch as these students learn the ropes of working in a newsroom and hearing all the brilliant story pitches they have. I cannot wait for 2023 to bring more creative, emotional, and well-written articles. 

As the first semester comes to an end and Mayfield students adjust back into their school schedules, The Mayfield Crier staff will be hard at work preparing for the 2023 NPR podcast competition. Staff writers are already brainstorming ideas of 8-minute podcasts and many writers are collaborating with others to create interesting episodes. 

I look forward to all the great work that The Mayfield Crier will produce this year! Talk to you soon!


