Letter From The Editors: October 26, 2020
You know it’s October when you walk into Strub Hall and are greeted by pumpkins lining the walls, crisp autumn air cooling the room, and the mouthwatering smell of chocolate from the Halloween candy wafting from the classrooms. You can’t help but stare at the clock every 30 seconds waiting for school to be over. The anticipation of going to a friend’s house for trick-or-treating or putting the final touches on your costume for a Halloween party are welcome distractions from typical day-to-day life.
Instead of getting to experience the Halloween candy hangover or the adrenaline rush from the traditional Mayfield Haunted House, this year the Cubs will participate in virtual Halloween activities. Perhaps a pumpkin carving or costume Zoom contest will be in order. Although Halloween festivities will not be the same in the 2020-2021 school year, the Mayfield Cubs will surely find ways to celebrate one of our favorite holidays.
In this October issue of the Mayfield Crier, our articles are centered around fear. What scares us the most? Is it Covid-19? The upcoming election? College applications? The articles in this new release will reveal and delve into some of our deepest, darkest fears.
We also invite you to check out our new monthly Diversity Column that will be submitted by the Mayfield Diversity Council. This column will talk about the latest cultural awareness months, new affinities and initiatives, and upcoming diversity assemblies, among other relevant topics. On September 22, 2020, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that bans racial sensitivity training. As a result, many schools and large corporations have decided to suspend their diversity, equity, and inclusion training. A lack of awareness and education surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion perpetuates systemic racism in our country and our Diversity Column will be a place for our community to educate themselves about these topics.
It has been over a month since we launched our new Mayfield Crier 2.0 website. We are very grateful for the overwhelming support we have received from the community. As we head into our first Halloween in the midst of a pandemic, we hope everyone stays healthy and safe. Happy Halloween from the Mayfield Crier staff!

Gracie Sandman is the Mayfield Crier’s Print and Online Editor-In-Chief. She is an award winning journalist and documentary filmmaker. She is particularly...