Letter From the Editors: November 25, 2019


Just imagine, the living room filled with your family’s laughter. Dishes being gradually added to the dinner table, while everyone slowly gathers around in complete awe of the feast. 

As Thanksgiving is just within a few days, we must take the time to remind ourselves what we should be really thankful for this season: family. 

Of course, there will be moments this holiday when we cannot stand hearing a question we’d rather not answer. Be considerate, and remember our family members are not with us everyday to know the details of our life, so perhaps it wouldn’t hurt just to give a sweet simple response. 

Another reminder, if you are visiting someone else’s house this year, keep in mind each family comes from rich backgrounds and celebrates the day in their own special way, so maybe you should take the chance to try something new. You never know, you may just end up loving a dish you’ve never had before. 

Most importantly, just as we learned from the interfaith prayer service: it is important to listen to everyone. Open ears allow for open hearts to communicate with one another, and to create the unity of understanding. What is better than having one giant family that is rooted in love and harmony for one another? Nothing, because that is what thanksgiving is all about.

So Cubs, the entire Crier staff wishes you all an amazing Thanksgiving filled with food, fun, and family.