Spanish Honor Society Inductions
Newly inducted members of Mayfield’s chapter of the Spanish National Honor Society pose for a picture in Strub Hall.
With candles in hand, Mayfield Cubs were inducted into the newly established chapter of the National Spanish Honors Society. NSHS brings together the learners of the Spanish language who focus on doing service within their communities while broadening their connection with the Spanish language and the culture of Spanish speaking countries. Members need to be enrolled in an advanced Spanish class and are required to maintain a 3.5 GPA.
The Spanish Honors Society is new to Mayfield. Led by Spanish teacher, Mr. Eduardo Magaña who started the school’s own chapter in January. Its members were named the “Amazonas de Mayfield,” during their induction ceremony that was held in the chapel.
“It’s such an honor to have the opportunity to expand my knowledge of the Spanish language and also other cultures of Spanish speaking countries,” said newly inducted member, Taylor Thorell ‘21. The society is headed by their board: President Stephanie Rodriguez ‘21, Vice President Maggie Ryan ‘21, Secretary Caitryn Wackerly ‘21, Treasurer Ashley Ahn ‘21, and Public Relations Director Le Anh Metzger ‘22.

Hannah is a senior at Mayfield Senior School and is thrilled to be a part of The Mayfield Crier staff for her fourth year as Online Editor in Chief. Hannah...