Dining Out During Quarantine

As the coronavirus spreads around the world, the damage has been far and wide, with the restaurant industry sustaining one of the heaviest blows. With the number of COVID-19 cases, restaurants were ordered to close in mid-March. The forced closure of dining meant that restaurant businesses and their staff would take a hard hit. As many restaurants close, workers will lose hours or will be laid off because of the inability of customers to go out and buy food. According to Homebase, the total number of hours worked for food businesses had dropped 40 percent by March 17, and the number of hourly workers declined by 45 percent. For the restaurant industry to recover and survive the pandemic effects, several fundraising campaigns and nonprofit driven efforts may defer some of the losses restaurant owners and workers are facing.
For restaurants changing, modifying, and updating their operations daily, it is hard to predict their plans for the future. “Will workers begin going back to work soon, or will employees become more conservative about their opening spaces?” “Will consumers rush back into restaurants as soon as they are allowed to go back outside, or will they be wary of being in closed spaces from now on?” These are all questions that everyone is asking; however, no is no definite answer.

Heidi is a senior at Mayfield Senior School and is thrilled to be a part of Mayfield’s Crier, serving as the News Co-Editor in Chief and Assignment Manager....