On Tuesday, January 14th, the Mayfield community returned to campus after being shut down due to the Eaton fire. The series of destructive wild fires that started on January 7th impacted many members of the Mayfield community. In hopes of bringing students, teachers, and staff together on the first day back, the Mayfield community spent the day participating in prayerful and reflective activities. Starting the day off in a community meeting, the Cubs prayed together for the many individuals impacted by the fires. Then, the campus opened up various bonding activities for the students. There was painting, a poetry workshop, dance, and an option to make lunches for South Central LAMP. This day was a perfect way to bring the Mayfield community closer together, and bring light to each others’ days.
Mayfield Minute: Community Building After Tragic Fires
Stella Keyes, Editor-In-Chief
January 16, 2025
Mayfield students connect with each other through art.
About the Contributor

Stella Keyes, Editor-In-Chief
Stella Keyes is a senior at Mayfield, and this is her second year on the Mayfield Crier staff. She is currently the Co-Editor-in-Chief, and is excited to grow as a leader throughout the year. At Mayfield, she is involved in creative writing, journalism, and yearbook. Stella has received two honorable mentions in The New York Times student contests, and is excited to continue shaping her journalistic voice. In addition to writing, she loves photography, animals, and music. The president of the Animal Rights Club, she spends her weekends volunteering at a cat rescue and plans on pursuing a career in animal science. Stella is so excited to see what this year has in store!