South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project, (LAMP) was founded in response to the 1992 civil unrest in Los Angeles by a collaboration of eight congregations of Catholic sisters. The sisters looked at their devastated neighborhood and wondered how they could better support the community as it struggled to rebuild and survive. Hearing a strong desire from mothers to enhance their parenting skills, improve their English literacy, and prepare their children for school and later success in life, the founders developed programming that has grown to include parenting programs, English as a Second Language classes, childcare, preschool, and pre-Kindergarten classes.
“Everybody is so grateful and the work that we do is so important to the families,” Nicole Burcham, Development Director at South Central LAMP said.
The women and children served are faced with numerous challenges from language barriers to access to essential resources. Donations help South Central LAMP provide these vital services, including early and adult education programs, parental workshops, family advocacy, and health care support.
According to their website, South Central LAMP has served more than 2,000 families since it began in 1992. As of 2023, LAMP had sixty children aged 0-5 years old that participated in 37,332 hours of early childhood education, making educational and developmental gains that are crucial. Twenty-four women actively participated in 23,112 hours of parenting and English as a Second Language classes, with a retention rate of 95% and an attendance rate of 88%.
The community food program, in partnership with the St. Francis Center, reached 2,816 individuals. There were twenty-one children in grades K-2 who were enrolled in afterschool programs. Mothers in the program increased their knowledge of child development by supporting their children learning at home, and through LAMPS’ intergenerational activities such as their parent-child interactive literacy activities. There were sixty workshops on topics such as nutrition, transition to Kinder, celebrating diversity, leadership, substance abuse, and renters’ rights.
“Everyday, when I go in I am empowered by them just to see the difference that we are making and how much they change on a weekly basis,” Burcham said. “From the different workshops they take and how inspiring it is, they come out of it a different person.
A time to see the pure joy in the LAMP community is during the holiday season when (LAMP) has a Christmas gift drive every year.
Mayfield Senior School has participated in this annual drive since 2018 and has been the number one donor each year. Up to seventy-five families are helped each year and 200-230 gifts are donated. The families receiving the gifts include children ages 6-10, their siblings, and their mothers. South Central LAMP is overflowing with gratitude and joy and is extremely grateful to everyone that donated and made an impact on someone else’s life this holiday season.
“Just to know that the support that I get from Mayfield and other schools and the organizations is helping make their lives better,” Burcham said. “They inspire me every single day I go into work.”
If you’d like to support South Central LAMP through donations or by volunteering, please visit to learn more.