Cubs Student News November December 2024
Cubs Student News November-December Update
December 6, 2024
About the Contributors

Olivia Dixon, Cubs Student News Editor-In-Chief
Olivia Dixon is a senior at Mayfield Senior School. This is her second year writing for the Mayfield Crier and being a part of Cub Student News. This year, she is the Editor-in-Chief of Cub Student News, and is excited to lead the new staff. Outside of journalism, Olivia participates in Saint Francis cheerleading, where she is a team captain and cheers at every football game. She participates in many clubs, and is the head of the Cubs Clean the Coast club. This year, her main goal is to improve her writing skills and learn about new topics. Olivia is so excited to see what is in store for this year!

Frances Aguirre, Cubs Student News Editor-In-Chief
Frances Aguirre is a Senior at Mayfield. She is currently in her third year of journalism, and is a reporter and the Editor-in-Chief of Cubs Student News. Outside of journalism, Frances has been on the Mayfield swim team since freshman year. This year she is excited to continue her writing, gain new skills, and guide the new journalism students.

Stella Keyes, Editor-In-Chief
Stella Keyes is a senior at Mayfield, and this is her second year on the Mayfield Crier staff. She is currently the Co-Editor-in-Chief, and is excited to grow as a leader throughout the year. At Mayfield, she is involved in creative writing, journalism, and yearbook. Stella has received two honorable mentions in The New York Times student contests, and is excited to continue shaping her journalistic voice. In addition to writing, she loves photography, animals, and music. The president of the Animal Rights Club, she spends her weekends volunteering at a cat rescue and plans on pursuing a career in animal science. Stella is so excited to see what this year has in store!

Grace Culver, Staff Writer
Grace Culver is a Senior at Mayfield Senior school, and this is her first year on the Mayfield Crier and Cubs Student News staff. In middle school, Grace was part of her school’s news program, and is excited to continue her journalism journey this year. Additionally, Grace has experience working in publications from her time on the yearbook staff, where she works as the Sports Editor. Outside of the classroom, she is a part of the cross-country and track and field teams, and plans on reporting on Mayfield athletics. Grace is very excited to start writing for the Mayfield Crier!

Audrey Nuckols, Staff Writer
Audrey is a senior at Mayfield, and this is her first year as a journalism student. Outside of the classroom, she is captain of the varsity volleyball team, and is going on to play Division 1 volleyball at Auburn University. There, she plans to study Sports Broadcasting, and is excited to gain experience in the field as a staff member of Cubs Student News and the Mayfield Crier. Additionally, she is an avid reader and book lover. Audrey plans on writing articles about Mayfield athletics, as well as spotlighting different athletes within the Mayfield community. She is interested in creating a student-athlete podcast with special guests, as well as a social media account dedicated to the books she reads.

Kayla Abbruzzi, Staff Writer
Kayla Abbruzzi is a senior at Mayfield Senior School, and this is her first year as an Advanced Journalism student. Kayla has gained experience working with diverse writing styles during her three years in the Film and Media Conservatory, where she has furthered her passion for cinematic arts. Outside of school, Kayla plays roller derby and is passionate about environmental sciences; she participated in the 2024 Washington Youth Summit on the Environment and is currently on a home sustainable irrigation project. A new member of the Crier and Cubs Student News staff, Kayla is interested in pursuing her passions by writing about environmental issues and movie reviews.

Judy Ku, Staff Writer
Judy Ku is a senior at Mayfield Senior School. She is taking Advanced Journalism and is a writer for the Mayfield Crier and Cubs Student News. Judy, also known as Ke, was born in Hong Kong SAR and lived there for half of her life. Her experience as a first-generation immigrant combined with her passion for international travel has sparked her fascination in worldwide affairs. She has furthered her interests at Mayfield by establishing the Communications Club and co-heading the Asian American Pacific Islanders Clubs. Judy hopes to focus her articles on cosmopolitan relations, overseas politics, and building a bridge between countries.

Kaylin Driller, Staff Writer
Kaylin is a sophomore at Mayfield, and this will be her first year in journalism. She is on the Mayfield Swim and Dive team, and is part of the Creative Writing. Additionally, she is in competitive cheer outside of school. Kaylin is excited to start her writing journey and try new things!

Sofia Leon, Staff Writer
Sofia Leon is a sophomore at Mayfield Senior, and this is her first year being on the Crier staff. Sofia is enrolled in Beginning Journalism, and looks forward to what she can create. This is also her second year on the Mayfield soccer team, she has an interest in athletics and sports reporting. She is also a part of the Mayfield Technical Theatre conservatory and has worked on sound, lighting, backstage and more. She would love to write about theatre and the arts. She looks forward to working with the staff and gaining new experiences!
Lucia Olivarez, Staff Writer
Lucia Olivarez is a junior at Mayfield, and she is excited to start her first year in journalism! She is hoping to improve her writing and put out pieces about topics that are important to people. Outside of school, she plays volleyball, and volunteers at Club Moai and the National Charity League. While in school, she plays varsity volleyball and is involved in many clubs. Lucia is excited to start her new found interest in journalism and expand her knowledge in the writing world!

MacKenzie Thomas, Staff Writer
MacKenzie Thomas is a Sophomore at Mayfield Senior School, and is starting her first year writing for the Mayfield Crier. She would love to write about Mayfield athletic, as she is currently a 2nd member of the volleyball, soccer and track and field teams. Outside of sports, Kenzie sews clothing in her free time. She enjoys reading as well as traveling with her family. Kenzie looks forward to her new experiences in journalism!