Cubs Student News April 2024
May 7, 2024
About the Contributors

Carolyn Freese, Cubs Student News Producer
Carolyn Freese is a senior at Mayfield Senior School and in addition to being part of the Crier staff since junior year, she is the producer of Cub Student News. Carolyn has many passions and enjoys being part of all aspects of the community. Along with writing, Carolyn loves being involved in the arts community as a photographer and photography representative for the Arts Council. Moreover, as a catechism teacher’s assistant, Rosebuds tutoring volunteer, RAD Camp volunteer, retreat leader, and sacristan Campus Ministry ministry leader, Carolyn loves sharing her passion for learning and academic, spiritual, and personal growth for everyone. Some of her favorite hobbies are photography, reading, cooking, and listening to music! She is so excited to continue sharing news with others this year!

Christine Ellis, Cubs Student News Reporter
Christine Ellis is a junior at Mayfield Senior School. She is currently enrolled in Advanced Journalism, and has contributed to the crier for two years. She works on the Cubs Student News team as a reporter and editor. Last year, Christine worked on poetry writing, podcasting, and localized news reporter and her goal is to improve her writing and experience as a journalist! Christine is excited for what this year has in store!

Olivia Dixon, Cubs Student News Editor-In-Chief
Olivia Dixon is a senior at Mayfield Senior School. This is her second year writing for the Mayfield Crier and being a part of Cub Student News. This year, she is the Editor-in-Chief of Cub Student News, and is excited to lead the new staff. Outside of journalism, Olivia participates in Saint Francis cheerleading, where she is a team captain and cheers at every football game. She participates in many clubs, and is the head of the Cubs Clean the Coast club. This year, her main goal is to improve her writing skills and learn about new topics. Olivia is so excited to see what is in store for this year!

Sofia Tomczyk, Cubs Student News Reporter
Sofia Tomczyk is a sophomore at Mayfield Senior School. She is passionate about journalism and learning new stories from all different perspectives. She is in Beginning Journalism is apart of the Mayfield Crier and Cub Student News. She also participates in many extracurricular activities outside of school such as attending Saturday classes in Spanish and practicing soccer and swimming. She is also a part of the Campus Ministry at Mayfield Senior and takes part in many clubs at school such as Cubs in Scrubs, Cubs Clean the Coast, and H.O.T. Club.