Letter from the Editor: February 2023
Hey Mayfield Community!
On February 2, the iconic groundhog Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his slumber to predict whether or not the throes of winter would still persist for six more weeks. While many of us here in SoCal were hoping that the cold winds and rain would soon be over, Phil unfortunately saw his shadow, meaning that we’re in for six more weeks of cloudy days and cool temperatures. However, there is still much to celebrate this month!
During the week of February 6, Cubs participated in Spirit Week. Students exchanged their uniforms for casual attire within the theme of each day. On Monday, students channeled their inner child and dressed like they would have when they were younger for the first theme of “Mini Me.” Then on Tuesday, it was a battle between winter and summer as Cubs came dressed for the theme “Cold Front vs. Heat Wave.” Wednesday allowed students to embrace their “Athlete” or “Mathlete” personas. The annual class dance competition was held on Thursday and brought together the classes in their own unique style as students wore their assigned class colors: Freshman in blue, Sophomores in purple, Juniors in black, and Seniors in pink. Class dances sparked excitement within the Mayfield community as classes cheered on the others, clapping along to music and laughing at funny dance moves. When Sophomores were declared the winners of the competition, they flooded onto the gym floor for some celebratory dancing.

And the highly anticipated Red and White Day– a day of fun spirit games and school spirit– was on Friday. Cubs wore the colors of their respective teams, either Red or White, and participated in school wide games and competitions. The final tug-of-war competition ended with a victory for the Red Team. As always, Red and White day was a spirited event which brought students together across grade levels and marked an end to the Spirit Week Festivities.

February 14, carried on the fun with hugs and smiles all around. Cubs wore pink shirts and cute accessories to get in the Valentine’s Day mood!
Throughout the month of February, Cubs have been celebrating Black History Month with the help of the Student Diversity Council and Black Student Union. The theme for this year’s Black History Month celebrations is “Lead Me, Guide Me: Black History, Music, and Liberation.” Originating from the first African American Catholic hymnal, written by Sister Thea Bowman, the theme of “Lead Me, Guide Me” recognizes the influential power of African American music and faith within movements for racial justice and African American heritage in the United States.
To honor the impact that African American artists have made upon American music and culture, SDC and BSU played music by Black musicians every Wednesday before school. As Mayfield students walked through the halls in the mornings, they were able to listen to the crooning voice of Billie Holiday as she sang her powerful song “Strange Fruit.” By Thursday, February 16, SDC and BSU hosted a school-wide assembly centered around music and community. Featuring songs sung by Mayfield’s own Women’s Ensemble, Danielle Hill from the Development office, as well asThe AMA Trio, guest artists invited from True Church Ministries. Additionally, prayers were led by Rev. Yolanda Love from The Church on The Way in Van Nuys.

All the songs and prayer led up to a reenactment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous 1959 speech “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution,” by our own math teacher, Mr. Kenny Fisher. Mr. Fisher embodied the passion, inspiration, and power of Dr. King’s words. No one in the gym was left unmoved by the oratory. When the assembly concluded with the whole school singing the civil rights anthem, “We Shall Overcome,” a moment of sheer unity and connection was felt among us.

The Black History Month assembly truly was a dynamic moment that encouraged the Mayfield community to not only recognize that Black history is American history, but also realize that music and art can be great uniting forces. Feeling perhaps a little closer to each other following the assembly, students and faculty enjoyed a delicious barbecue chicken meal catered by Chef Michael Green.
Overall, February has been an eventful month at Mayfield, featuring celebrations of community, culture, and school spirit. With the start of the 2023 spring sports season, there will be more excitement to come. Be sure to check out the Mayfield Minute section of the Mayfield Crier website to keep up with events happening on our Bellefontaine campus!
Bye for now!
Madison Rojas

Madison Rojas is a senior at Mayfield Senior School and currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of The Mayfield Crier. Madison has received multiple awards...