Atmospheric River Storm Disrupts Mayfield’s School Day
Maintenance crew hung up tarps on the front of the school to prevent water from reaching the basement
“I came in, and our room was flooded,” declared art teacher, Amy Green, this morning. Mayfield had a hectic morning as more than 12 students arrived late to classes, maintenance scrambled to prevent flooding throughout campus, and safety warnings were put in place from the Head of School. Mayfield has a lot to look out for on rainy days.
“It’s a change of scenery today,” stated Green as her E Block intermediate art class had to completely relocate their class to higher ground. Isa Schimd ‘25 who was the first to arrive to class found water all over the classroom floor.
“It took us a while to get settled” said Green, but luckily none of the artwork was damaged and the intermediate art class was held the Sussex room for the artists to resume work on their projects.

On this day, everyone’s schedules are affected. With heavy rain last night and more rain to come, many students arrived late to classes. Mayfield’s school nurse Cathy Cota, who is in charge of student attendance, reported that, “in the morning [on rainy days] most people are late” she adds, “My policy is to excuse all tardy’s on rainy days.”
Cota values safety over getting to class right on time.
“Instead of 25 minutes to get to school it took me 35” claimed Tessa Neal ‘25.
“There was a lot of traffic on the freeway because of the rain, so I was behind on schedule” said Eva Trujillo ‘25 who typically arrives on time.

(Mayfield Crier)
With heavy rain, comes flooding. Rafael Alcaraz, a member of facilities at Mayfield, was working hard this morning to put an end to the floods down in the basement. Maintenance crews were working hard to seal phone line housing where water was getting to the lower level. The source of the leak started in the pergola lawn where water was seeping through the wiring down into the basement closet.
“There was 2 inches of water before we arrived in the morning” said Alcaraz.c “We are trying to seal the pipe here, but, we’ll see.”

Mayfield’s Head of School, Kate Morin continues to warn students and other members of the community to stay safe during this storm.
“Just wiping your feet and driving slower makes all the difference,” explained Morin who had slipped on the marble floor in front of her office.
To prevent anyone else from slipping, the staff decided to put down more carpets in Strub Hall, giving students more of an opportunity to wipe their feet and to prevent more injuries.
As for the rest of this week, we can expect to have a few days free of rain starting on Wednesday the 11th, according to the National Weather Service, with the storm resuming on Saturday and lasting through Wednesday of next week.
More on Mayfield’s rain day from Cub Student News Reporter, Marina Muradian ’23.

Christine Ellis is a junior at Mayfield Senior School. She is currently enrolled in Advanced Journalism, and has contributed to the crier for two years....

Kate Georgino is a senior at Mayfield Senior School and this will be her third year writing for the Mayfield Crier. Kate enjoys learning about podcasting,...

Frances Aguirre is a Senior at Mayfield. She is currently in her third year of journalism, and is a reporter and the Editor-in-Chief of Cubs Student News....

Kennedy Taylor is a junior at Mayfield Senior School and is Mayfield’s Student Sports Editor. This is her 2nd year contributing to the crier, both as...