Mayfield Minute: Awesome Affinity Groups!
Slideshow shown in the meeting where the affinity groups were introduced and announced. Courtesy of JDEI Council at Mayfield Senior School.
PASADENA, California– Affinity groups in Mayfield are a safe place offered to people with shared identities as a way to discuss and learn in a supportive environment. Ms. Amber Gravely, Mayfield’s new Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Director presented the affinity groups for the year, alongside the representatives of each group. The groups offered this year include the following: AAPI(Asian American & Pacific Islander), BSU(Black Student Union), Indigenous People, Forming Allies, Latiné, M&M’s(Mixed and Multiracial), and SPAM(Society of Philippine Americans at Mayfield). If you would like to start another affinity group, please feel welcome contact Ms. Ortega or Ms. Gravely! The affinity groups’ affinity spaces will be held on October 6, 2022, so make sure to stop by and check them out!

Madelyn Hammer is a junior at Mayfield Senior School and is currently a Mayfield Crier staff writer. She has been a member of the Crier since her freshman...