Meet Mayfield’s New Faculty and Staff
This year the Mayfield community is excited to welcome 13 new faculty and staff members. Now that they have completed their first month of school we interviewed them with the three questions, If you were in a band what would you name your band? and what would your hypothetical part in the band be? And, after a month, how does it feel teaching or working at an all-girls school? Here’s what they said:
Bill Lewis:

Band name: The Mayfield Fixers! I chose this name because the Facilities team fixes many things around campus and keeps it looking its best. My role would be the band manager and back-up singer.
How does it feel working at an all-girls school? I love the energy and enthusiasm that the student body shows every day! The faculty and staff are filled with people that love teaching and working with students and motivate me each day. The students are all so nice and welcoming which makes coming to work very enjoyable.
Fran Smiland:

Band name: I have no musical ability but I would love to be the hypothetical singer in a band. I would name my band the Franimals.
How does it feel working at an all-girls school? After one month I have enjoyed working at an all girls school. I did attend an all-girls school for high school as well – cough cough that school up on the hill. I have enjoyed it both as a student and now as a teacher. It’s nice to be back in the all girls environment.
Kristina Ortega:

Band name: My band name would be Supernatural Existential. If I had to be a performer, I’d be the drummer or a backup dancer. But, I think I’d prefer to be the manager or producer.
How does it feel working at an all-girls school? Teaching at an all-girls school feels like home. I went to Immaculate Heart and I’ve spent half of my teaching career in an all-girls school so this feels completely natural to me. I’m super passionate about Catholic schools and single gender high schools and I am honored to be part of the tradition of Holy Child schools.
Lisa Vandergriff

Band name: If I were in a band, I would be a singer/songwriter of an all girls band called Vandyland, even though I can’t really sing.
How does it feel working at an all-girls school? I love working at an all girls school because I enjoy seeing students discover who they are and who they want to be, without inhibitions. Even in these early first few weeks, I sensed a spirit of joy from the students and my favorite moment was being greeted so genuinely by two freshmen who warmly introduced themselves as I was walking over to Strub Hall.
Andrew Ritchie:

Band name: I’d name my band “R95”. I’d be the one partying all the time, jumping into the crowds, etc..
How does it feel working at an all-girls school? I feel great. I’d feel even greater if there was a track and football field, but the freshmen are so nice to work with that they more than make up for it.
Paula Moore:

Band name: If I was in a band it would be called “The Inklings”. This is a nod to an actual literary circle that included Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, but, mostly I like the play on words– having an “inkling about something” as well as writing ink (English teachers love that stuff!). I would be a back-up vocalist in the band. I love singing but sometimes the idea of singing lead sounds terrifying, so this would allow me to be part of things but have the safety of literally standing in the back and not front and center.
How does it feel working at an all-girls school? I have had a wonderful time teaching at Mayfield these last few weeks. As the mother of two daughters and growing up with five sisters, teaching at an all-girls school is a great fit for me. I want to thank the faculty, staff and students for being so warm and kind and making me feel right at home from the start!
Sarah Alaways:

Band name: I’d be the drummer in a band. Or the back-up dancer. Actually both at the same time, obvi. My fiance and I joke about releasing one song per genre, each under a different band name. The Always is our 70s folk band, The Infinite is EDM, The Nevers is a punk band, and The Seldom is country rock.
How does it feel working at an all-girls school? As a dance teacher, 80% of my dance students over the years have been girls, so a dance studio of all-girls isn’t a huge transition for me. The difference really hits me when the whole school gets together for assembly or community. I can’t quite articulate it yet, but there is something about the energy, support, or empowerment of all-girls that’s overwhelming (in a good way). There is a freedom that exists here that I can see allows you all to really grow and get to know yourselves. It’s super unique, and I feel so thankful every day that I get to be a part of it.
Amber Gravely:

Band name: If I were in a band, the name would be AAWH (like a sound one would make when they see a cute puppy..). It is also an acronym for “All Are Welcome Here!”
How does it feel working at an all-girls school? I feel very blessed to be in this role and to be working in an all-girls school. I remember how formative the time was for me when I attended an all-girls school growing up. I also coached girls’ basketball for over 20 years, after having played team sports from childhood through college. Amongst each other, we can create a special empowerment and permission to be our best selves. This is most inspiring when we support each other and accept each other just as we are.
Damian Duran:

Band Name: I have no idea but I would like to be a singer (just don’t ask me to sing).
How does it feel working at an all-girls school? I am thoroughly enjoying working at an all-girls school. The students are very welcoming and joyful. I look forward to each class.

Callie Pippert is a senior at Mayfield Senior School. She is a Co-Head of Mayfield's Sustainability club and Afternoon Tea Club. She is also part of...