Mayfield Minute: A Cub-tastic Club Fair
Spectrum club co-heads Kendall Cuenca ’23 and Grace Nguyen ’23 pose in front of their club fair poster. Photo courtesy of the Mayfield Crier.
Mayfield’s biggest ever Club Fair showcased 60+ different opportunities to work with like minded peers in recreational and leadership clubs. Topics ranged from casual recreational clubs such as Anime Culture Club to leadership clubs like Service with a Smile. Students created beautiful posters to promote their clubs at the fair as other students walked by to ask questions and sign up for clubs of their choosing. Soon, students will begin to hold club meetings and work on exciting projects. Xitlale Lilidardk ‘26 said, “It was really fun getting to know all the clubs; I couldn’t choose just 3!” We can’t wait to see all their brilliant ideas unfold!

Nyla Choudry is a transferred senior at Mayfield Senior School. Having moved recently from Maryland, she looks forward to using her editorial background...