Mayfield Minute: A Historical Heat Wave
Mayfield students eat lunch outside in the scorching heat. Photo Courtesy of Ella Yoon ’24
PASADENA, California– Temperatures reached highs of 109℉ in Pasadena this past week, forcing Mayfield Cubs to find ways to stay cool during the historical heat wave. Due to the extreme heat, the Cub’s volleyball team rescheduled a match against Rio Hondo Prep on September 6th due to a power outage in Mayfield’s gym. During lunch, Mayfield students sought shelter from the heat by eating lunch under the shade or indoors. Mayfield is looking forward to the cooler weeks to come.
About the Contributor

Ella Yoon, Staff Writer
Ella Yoon is a Junior at Mayfield Senior School. This is Ella’s first year as a member of Mayfield’s newspaper and she plans on creating a movie review...