Letter From the Editors: September 20, 2021
As we begin the 2021-2022 school year — the Crier is excited to finally be back in the newsroom publishing in print while continuing to develop our online presence. Our goal for this school year is to continue highlighting important topics surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion. We celebrate reuniting in person with our community and will cover the transition to a post-pandemic world.
Transitioning to in-person will be no easy conquest for students this year. No more waking up at 8:20 am and eating breakfast during your first class of the morning. No more petting your dog during a quiz or going on a walk during a free block. No more dealing with family members entering your bedroom during class. It’s time to trade in pajamas for plaid skirts and white polos, setting alarm clocks two hours earlier, and getting used to writing with a pencil again. The Crier is here to help with this transition, keeping our community updated with the latest information on school events, global issues that impact our community, and new trends.
Throughout the year the Crier will be redesigning parts of our website, so be on the lookout for new features such as a digital sports scoreboard, interactive quizzes, and news video reports. Also get ready for the launch of our brand new podcasts, written and developed by our staff, which will be coming to our website in the coming weeks. The Crier wishes you an easy transition back to campus and hopes you have a wonderful school year filled with lasting memories.

Gracie Sandman is the Mayfield Crier’s Print and Online Editor-In-Chief. She is an award winning journalist and documentary filmmaker. She is particularly...