Letter From The Editors: May 26, 2021
As the school year is coming to a close, the Crier would like to reflect on the challenging yet successful year we have had as a staff and as a school. The Crier has brought you stories ranging from the 2020 presidential election, how our community coped throughout the COVID-19 restrictions, and finally, Mayfield’s return to campus in the latter part of the school year.
The Mayfield Crier adapted to the pandemic, pivoting from a primarily print publication to the development of our brand new website last May. With the new site, we were able to publish more stories each month, incorporate audio/visual components to our articles, and make our articles available to you for the entire year and beyond. Our first print edition of the year for May has been created to close out this historic school year.
On behalf of the Mayfield Crier staff, we would like to recognize and thank our senior staff members who are heading off to college in the fall after years of dedication to the Crier.
To our News and Features Co-Editor-In-Chief and Art Editor, Bella Tiner ‘21, for her hard work on the staff over the past four years. Bella has contributed as both an exceptional writer and editor for the paper whose passions shine throughout her stories, including her column “Books with Bella.”
To Esme Chiara ‘21, our News and Features Co-Editor-In-Chief, for her dedication to the Crier for the past three years. Esme’s column “Esme’s Animals” gave our community new insight into various species.
To our Editorial Co-Editor-In-Chief, Grace Fontes ‘21, A 4-year staffer, Grace has exceptional writing talent, shown in her creative writing pieces and artistic works of poetry.
To Keara Keelty ‘21, our Editorial Co-Editor-In-Chief who has kept the Mayfield community updated on all things sports during her time on the Crier staff.
And to our senior staffers who joined us this year:
Photography Editor Anna Ochinak ‘21, who jump-started the weekly “Frame It” column.
Juli Carranza ‘21, staff writer and artist, Karissa Ho ‘21, our finance columnist, and Kristine Pascual ‘21, the music reviewer. Thanks for enriching our coverage with your talents and knowledge.
And a colorful thank you to our senior arts team members: Angie Matar, Brigitte Berger, Clarabelle Sullivan, Ysabelle Magat, Camilla Nelson. Your beautiful graphics never failed to complement our articles.
Finally, thank you, Mayfield, for continuing to read the Mayfield Crier Online. Our award-winning newspaper would not have received the recognition it has this past year without the help of our community. We have many new ideas for the Crier next year and are thankful for all the support we have received thus far.
On a final note, we would like to welcome the new 2021-2022 Editorial Team.
Print/Online Editor-In-Chief
Gracie Sandman ‘22
Crier Online Editor-In-Chief
Hannah Sherman ‘22
Opinion Co-Editor-In-Chief
Mia Maalouf ‘22
News Co-Editor-In-Chief/Assignment Manager
Heidi Teng ‘22
Features Co-Editor-In-Chief
Avalon Dela Rosa ‘22
Arts Co-Editor-In-Chief
Ashlee Smith ‘22
Managing Editor
Afton Copeland Spiegel ‘23
Entertainment & Diversity Editor
Madison Rojas ’23
Podcast Development Editors
Abby Beegle ‘23 & Monica Zepada ‘24
Columnists and Staffers:
Sophia Kroe ‘23, Miranda Gallegos ‘23, Callie Pippert ‘23, Erin Michelena ‘24

Gracie Sandman is the Mayfield Crier’s Print and Online Editor-In-Chief. She is an award winning journalist and documentary filmmaker. She is particularly...

Hannah is a senior at Mayfield Senior School and is thrilled to be a part of The Mayfield Crier staff for her fourth year as Online Editor in Chief. Hannah...