Ringing in a Beloved Tradition
Ring night is no doubt a cornerstone of the Mayfield high school experience. When the COVID pandemic hit in early 2020, effectively postponing this treasured rite-of-passage, the class of 2021 were sure that at least by the summer, they would have their ring ceremony. As the months dragged on, ideas about the ceremony fizzled away and many accepted that ring night simply wouldn’t be part of their Mayfield experience.
This past month, however, seniors received the news that on the 16th of February, they would have their long-awaited ring ceremony.
There were many ways that it would be different. The event would take place in person but with masks and a six-foot distancing rule. Having endured almost a year without on-campus activities, the class of 2021 was elated that they would finally be able to have their ring ceremony among their classmates.
Gathered on the North Lawn, the students were flanked by parents and only their closest loved ones awaiting the start of the ring ceremony.
Student leaders and ministry spoke, the participants prayed, there was singing and music performed by classmates, and candles were lit as they have been at ring ceremonies of year’s past. The names of each senior were read by Mrs. Warren and each family walked up to present the ring to their student. The moment the seniors have been waiting for over a painstakingly long year took place. As a more intimate moment with their families, it was no less significant to each individual.
With closing prayers, cheers, and applause, ring night concluded; the students’ smiles warming the early-evening chills. All things considered, ring night was a success. The class of 2021 finally took part in a long-awaited and anticipated Mayfield tradition before graduation.

Bella Tiner is a rising senior at Mayfield Senior School and a Co-Editor for the Crier. Having been on the newspaper crew since freshman year, Bella enjoys...