Movies I Think Should Win For The 2021 Oscars
1) Emma (2020)
I know I have raved on and on about how great this film is, but it definitely deserves the hype. Emma’s colorful 18th-century costumes seem like an easy win for Best Costume Design and Best Hairstyling and Makeup categories. These aren’t just pretty dresses that stuff women in corsets and men in silly tights but are works of art that majorly contribute to the visual storytelling of the film. The costumes designed by Alexandra Byrne, also the costume designer for “Guardians of the Galaxy,” reflect the personality of the characters and their emotions felt in the scene. Similarly, the hairstyles created by Marese Langan perfectly mirror 1700s extravagant ‘do’s and curls. The colors and intricate designs portray the exaggerated wealth of British high society that is ever present in Jane Austin’s satirical novel.
2) Soul
This film will possibly make you doubt your very existence, your purpose in life, and the reason humans are placed on this Earth. Soul is a beautiful movie that eases the fear of dying for both young and old audiences. It is the most mature and well-thought-out film that Pixar has ever created, making it deserve the Oscar win for Best Animation Picture. Not only does this film cover deep topics like finding your life purpose, it tells it through the perspective of a middle aged-African American, giving a much-needed representation of people of color to younger generations. If this film doesn’t win, it would truly break my soul.
3) First Cow
Although this film can be seen as slow and almost boring, it subtly criticizes society’s dire need to fast forward through life. This film tells of a friendship between two 49ers seeking wealth on the California coast, who ultimately find it in a standard cow. The stretched-out sequences are almost comical, but really transport the audience into a time much simpler and more appreciative of daily life.
4) Nomadland
Starring Frances McDormand, “Nomadland” follows a woman that travels to the West as a modern-day nomad. For those in AP Lang or who have taken the class, you may find striking similarities between this film and transcendentalist writers who sought happiness through nature. This very simple, yet strong film captures an unconventional lifestyle and what it means to truly be free.

Ashlee Smith is a senior at Mayfield Senior School. This year, she will serve as Arts Co-Editor-In-Chief and a writer for The Mayfield Crier. She holds...