Spirit Week 2021 was Virtually Everything it was Meant to Be
Mayfield-themed zoom background used during Spirit Week 2021. Graphic by Hannah Sherman ’22.
Spirit Week is one of the most iconic Mayfield Traditions. Every year, student council plans a week of themed days where cubs come to school outfitted in clothing ranging from all-denim to throwback Disney characters. All this leads up to the highly competitive Red and White Day where the respective teams shun their normal friend groups and vigorously compete with each other for the most points. The winning team not only gets infinite bragging rights, but their team’s win is memorialized on the Red and White Day tapestry in the gym for future generations of cubs to see.
This year, however, Spirit Week went virtual. But it still had all the fun and excitement as it normally does in person. Student council still planned themed-days for the entire week and had virtual games and activities available for students to earn points for their respective teams. This year, spirit week also included self-care activity ideas for each day of the week such as doing a face mask, making a vision board, baking cookies, and journaling.
Monday’s theme was Mayfield Monday where cubs could use any Mayfield-themed zoom backgrounds in their classes and played a Who-said-it Kahoot quiz testing their knowledge of Mayfield teachers’ most famous quotes. For example, “They call me Mr. Steal yo girl,” said by Mr. Castelo and Mrs. Pontrelli’s well known math advice: “Thou shall not divide by zero!”
For Tuesday, Color Character Day, each grade was assigned a color to wear to school based on their Spongebob mascot for the year. Freshman are Gary (green or purple), Sophomores are Patrick (pink), Juniors are Spongebob (yellow or brown), and Seniors are Squidward (blue). The cubs also put their gaming skills to the test by playing Spongebob-themed games to earn points for their team.
Wellness Wednesday entailed dancing or doing yoga in advisory and participating in a food drive for South Central Lamp. The Red and the White Teams earned points for every canned food item their team members brought to donate: the Red Team earned 456 points and the White Team earned 492 points.
On Travel Thursday, students could use a zoom background of any place they wished to travel and could earn points for their team by completing a Buzzfeed quiz about their dream vacation destination.
Red and White Day, The final day of Spirit Week saw each grade compete in the annual dance competition (where each grade puts together a dance that is judged by faculty members). This year each class pre-recorded the dances for the virtual competition.
The Sophomores placed fourth, the Freshmen came in third place, the Juniors came in second place, and the Seniors secured the first place win for the third year in a row — talk about bragging rights. Keala Sunada ‘21 describes the victory as “awesome!”
“We’re really competitive and we knew that we had to do everything to make sure we won,” Sunada said. “It’s really rewarding and made me feel connected to the class again.”
Finally, the Mayfield cubs celebrated the end of Spirit Week by participating in school-wide games to win some final points for their teams. The games included virtual Pictionary and a Kahoot quiz to guess Mayfield faculty and staff based on their childhood photos. Although it was a tight race throughout the entire week, the White Team brought home the win for Spirit Week 2021 with 1,282 points, beating the Red Team’s 1,216 points.

Hannah is a senior at Mayfield Senior School and is thrilled to be a part of The Mayfield Crier staff for her fourth year as Online Editor in Chief. Hannah...