Cubs Cabaret Brings Mayfield Back Home
PASADENA, California– The COVID-19 pandemic has stolen so much from our nation’s youth including in-person school, an important aspect of a developing teenager’s life. But, there is one thing that no virus can take from us, and that is the arts. Mayfield Arts Council and Conservatory members have shown us that art cannot be silenced and it is an outlet for expression and creativity. Unfortunately, the theatre program is unable to perform an in-person musical this year, but that did not hinder the performing arts at Mayfield Senior.
The Cubs Cabaret was imagined by Maryanne Householder, the Theatre Director here at Mayfield. The Cubs Cabaret is a variety show that features performances of monologues, scenes, songs, and dances all by Mayfield students performed on Zoom from their respective homes. In an email to the school, Householder informed faculty and students about the upcoming “Opening Night” for the Cubs Cabaret show. “Get excited, reserve a seat on your couch, order some popcorn off of Amazon, and set your countdown for March 11th- which will be our virtual opening night,” said Householder’s email. Anyone part of the Mayfield Senior community will be able to tune in to the Cubs Cabaret virtual showings and attendance is highly encouraged. Everyone tuned into opening night can participate in Cabaret Countdown games and activities hosted by Mayfield’s Patrons for the Arts.
This teaser video sent to the whole Mayfield community, incited excitement and bittersweet emotions for the performing arts.
During these difficult times, it is heartbreaking to be away from the loving community at Mayfield and the Cubs Cabaret video reminded faculty and students of the joy that being on campus brought. But, as the teaser video states, we will be back, and in the meantime, the show must go on.

Madison Rojas is a senior at Mayfield Senior School and currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of The Mayfield Crier. Madison has received multiple awards...