How to Stay Motivated While Learning From Your Bedroom
Computer and schools books on student’s desk.
Finding the motivation to do your school work while still attending school can be difficult in normal times, but having to take classes online presents an even greater challenge. Your habits are interrupted, and your motivation is gone. Many students demonstrate a lack of interest in learning when being forced to do so online, which, in the long run, can have disadvantageous effects on their work and school ethic.
How can you find the motivation to continue to strive for success when all else seems to be hopeless? Well, instead of solely surrendering to the disadvantages of online instruction, here are several ways for you to rediscover your mental motivation:
Set Goals
We all know that staring at a screen for seven or eight hours throughout the day is draining, and saps the energy to do much else after classes. One idea that may boost your eagerness to learn is setting personal goals. Consider a calendar for goals to achieve to make the workload less strenuous.Whether they be small or large, setting goals can greatly assist in shifting your sluggish mindset to a productive one.
Reward Yourself
Accomplishing a goal or completing a tedious task feels exceedingly satisfying! That alone is rewarding, but doing something pleasing to yourself can establish an even greater internal motivation. For instance, if you reach your weekly goal, reward yourself with a pleasurable day at the park, or well-earned “me” time. Whatever makes you happy, give it to yourself to acknowledge your hard work.
Make Connections
Online instruction makes it difficult to connect with our fellow peers. Being that friendships and close relationships are one of the many positive attributes of Mayfield, we must continue to connect with each other even while distancing ourselves. How you may ask? Well, with all our modern-day technology, there are an infinite number of ways to stay in touch with those around you. A few examples include Netflix Party, Facetime, Houseparty, and even having a social-distanced lunch! Although our current circumstances are not ideal, maintaining close relationships with the people around us is a great source of mental motivation.
Think About the Reasons You’re In School
Whenever you begin to feel discouraged or unmotivated to do school work, remind yourself of all the reasons you came to Mayfield. Education develops virtuous working habits that will benefit you later on in life. Practice those same habits you would if we were learning face-to-face to maintain the positive benefits that schooling has to offer. Thinking about and reminding yourself of the key advantages of school provides a preeminent source of motivation.
Visualize The Outcome
Writing papers, studying for tests, and classwork in general can keep you so occupied that you tend to forget the rewarding outcomes of all your hard work. If you take a moment to sit back and look at the bigger picture, you will begin to realize that the tasks you are currently performing will have a substantial impact on your future. When you are feeling overwhelmed, visualize the positive outcomes, and you will have a sudden desire to continue on.
The current circumstances aren’t ideal, and none of us could have ever imagined living in them, but our loving Mayfield community is a definite contributor to our motivation to succeed and maintaining positivity!