Freshman Use Social Media to Transition into Remote Learning
Under normal circumstances, the entrance to Mayfield’s campus would be packed with cars, but this year, it lay empty.
PASADENA, California — Formal uniform on, backpack hanging off your shoulder, and a big smile plastered across your face, you take your first steps through the Bellefontaine gates as a freshman at Mayfield Senior. Every student remembers stepping onto Mayfield’s campus for the first time but, the class of 2024 was robbed of that first step feeling. At the start of the 2020-2021 school year, Mayfield freshman woke up, got dressed in casual clothes, shuffled over to their computer, and logged into Zoom to begin their first day at school. On August 31st, the school year commenced all online due to the high number of cases of COVID-19 in Los Angeles county. In order to keep students and faculty safe, no one will be returning to Mayfield’s campus until Pasadena Director of Public Health and Health Officer Dr. Ying-Ying Goh announces it is safe to be together again.
“Although I miss being together with our students and faculty so much, and I was so hoping that we would be able to open our beautiful campus in August, I know our Governor has made the right decision to keep us all safe,” wrote Head of School Kate Morin in her back to school email.
Starting a brand new school in these unprecedented circumstances can be extremely difficult for many new students. Freshman cubs should be walking down hallways and chatting with their friends but instead, will forgo these experiences due to the pandemic.
Starting a new school is already nervewracking and remote learning can make everything even more challenging. Lina Wallgren ‘24 was concerned about making friends and meeting new people online. However, different social media platforms have allowed the freshman to get to know each other.
“Transitioning to a new school online, I was nervous about getting to know my peers. Luckily, I have been able to talk with many of (my classmates) through social media, and I cannot wait for the day when we are all together when I can truly meet everyone,” said Wallgren.
Although remote learning hinders the ability to meet classmates in person, many new students have already made connections with each other through other means of communication.
But the lack of social interaction is not the only obstacle new students are facing. Remote learning brings the challenge of distractions and long hours spent on screen. “It’s hard to stay in one place for a long time. When I stare at the screen for a long time, my eyes and head start to hurt,” said Elizabeth Trinh ‘24.
It’s recommended for teachers to give 20-minute breaks during every class period. But, during some classes, students are not given 20-minute rest breaks. Extended time on screen is a new hardship that students are facing because of on-line learning.
Though they face many difficulties, many freshmen feel that the welcoming and helpful Mayfield community has been crucial to their transition into high school. Julieanna Navarro ‘24 thought that her teachers and fellow peers have helped her start the year.
“The best part of my transition into Mayfield was how smooth the faculty and staff have made it. I also really enjoyed talking to my Big Sisters. They are really nice and communicative,” Navarro said.
Even though the Mayfield community is separated, they still foster a welcoming atmosphere for all new students.
The freshman started the 2020-2021 school year during an unprecedented time and faced extra challenges yet, Mayfield cubs are resilient and will make this school year one to remember.

Madison Rojas is a senior at Mayfield Senior School and currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of The Mayfield Crier. Madison has received multiple awards...