Fabulous Tips for Freshmen
Freshman year is a whole new daunting experience but our Mayfield community is here to provide you with support and tips to utilize for a successful transition. New beginnings always bring forth nerve-wracking emotions. It is important to know that beginnings also bring new memories and chances to find life changing observations.
“Be present, be involved, be open, and take risks,” said freshman Theology teacher, Ron Castelo.
“It’s an adventure,” Castelo said, “let it be,”.

“My advice to ninth graders is to attend office hours. Even if you don’t have a specific question, it’s a great way to get to know you better,” English teacher Julie Mrs. Brehove said.
“The second piece of advice I have for you is to participate in discussion as much as possible,” said Brehove, and to “bring ideas or even things that may confuse you!”

Her last piece of advice to Mayfield’s freshmen students is to “make your study space as personalized and cozy as possible.”
New to Mayfield as a transfer student, Maddie Kaufman ‘22 spoke from experience: “I would suggest getting involved in some way whether it’s clubs or sports or conservatory,” said Kaufman. “Being on the volleyball team made my transition a lot smoother,” said Kaufman.

Student body president, Mariana Trujillo shared her personal experience in feeling a part of the Mayfield community:
Strong bonds and feeling a part of something special seems to run deep in the community.
“There are probably too many times I’ve felt like Mayfield is truly my second home. But if I had to choose one, it would be the time I sang in the talent show with my older sister during my freshman year,” said Trujillo. “The students were cheering us on so loud, you could hear, ‘Woohoo’ or ‘We love you!!’ recalled Trujillo.
“I realized that Mayfield has your back and cheers you on every step of your journey throughout high school. For the rest of the day, my face was gleaming with happiness knowing that I am lucky enough to be a part of the Mayfield community,” said Trujillo.

“New friends often come in the most unexpected times, so try to take advantage of the opportunities!,” said Lily Salazar ‘23.

“From the first moment I came onto the Mayfield campus as an eighth grader, I felt as though I had found my home away from home,”said Hannah Sherman ‘22. “Ever since then, I have always felt like a true cub with over 300 talented, compassionate, and inspirational sisters.”

Although our time away from each other may make us feel uneasy, our uncertainty is what will bring us the new, exciting things awaiting us in the future.

Monica Zepeda is a senior at Mayfield Senior School. She joined the Mayfield Crier as a freshman and as a senior, she will serve as Co-Editor-in-Chief...