Incoming Cubs Given Warm Welcome at New Student Orientation
From the moment incoming 9th and transferring 10th graders stepped onto Mayfield Senior School’s campus for Orientation on Thursday, August 23, 2019, they were set up to start the new school year off on the right foot. The well-executed program provided an early opportunity to socialize with incoming peers and information to help new Cubs feel at ease for the new year.
Students cast sideways glances at one another, collected name tags, and headed into the packed Pike Auditorium. Orientation is naturally nerve-racking, irrespective of how happy a student is to be coming to Mayfield.
“Walking into the orientation, I was nervous and worried about making new friends and growing connections with totally new girls,” explained ninth grader, Madison Rojas ’23.
Laughter and loud chatter filled the auditorium as the newbies waited with excitement to see their schedules, locate their classrooms, and meet their big sisters.
“When I walked into Pike, I thought it felt like home,” said incoming tenth grade transfer student Taylor Carey ’22.
The crowd settled as Head of School, Kate Morin, took the podium and explained how each new Cub was chosen out of a pool of applicants to share her unique gifts with the Mayfield community. ASB President, Rory Burke ’20 led the room in a prayer for a blessed and successful school year. She then shared a PowerPoint outlining the basics of life at Mayfield, including critical tidbits like Freshman ought never use the Senior refrigerator.
One highlight of the day was a surprise fashion show in which student council members demonstrated what not to wear. Music blasted as each bad example strutted across the stage donning taboo attire under the dress code like fuzzy socks, sweatpants, and crop tops. Orientation also included ice breaking games, opportunities to learn Mayfield cheers, a big/little sister lunch, and a scavenger hunt.
“So when I first got there, I was a little nervous because I didn’t really know anyone and I thought when we did the activities it was fun because everyone was awkward. At the end of the day, it got better because I got to know everyone more and now I’m not that scared for school,” explained a relieved Katelin Cheverria ’22.
Mission accomplished.

Gracie Sandman is the Mayfield Crier’s Print and Online Editor-In-Chief. She is an award winning journalist and documentary filmmaker. She is particularly...