Mayfield Senior School hosted its annual Junior Ring night on October 9, 2024. Ring night is a sacred tradition for the Cubs, as they received their class rings from either a related alum or Ms. Treister. Receiving class rings signifies their commitment to Mayfield and cements Mayfield as a place they can always call home. The ring night ceremony featured a beautiful entrance procession, a heartfelt mass, and the ring ceremony itself. Alums from several years came back to present their young daughters, cousins, sisters, nieces, granddaughters, and friends with their rings. The ceremony itself was held on a beautiful fall evening on Pergola Lawn. It highlighted a beautiful service, student engagement in readings, and vocal performances. All around, this night was a wondrous moment for the juniors as they prepare to begin their journeys outside of Mayfield. This ceremony serves as a lifelong reminder that they will always have a home on 500 Bellefontaine.