Graphic by Sofia Hesling. The repercussion of the WGA strike has affected both the media outlets and our communities.
The five-month protest led by the Writers Guild Association fought for higher pay for screenwriters as well as how streaming services pay writers for their work.. The new WGA contract, in effect until May 1, 2026, addresses health pension and pension contribution, streaming residuals and specifically the use of Artificial Intelligences’ role in the media.
The contract presented to streaming services highlights necessities that show writers need to live and write our favorite shows.
According to the contract which was passed by the WGA membership in sept?“The Health Fund contribution on reportable earnings will increase 0.5% in the second year of the agreement, from 11.5% to 12%” meaning that writers pension will increase and have higher support in case of medical emergencies,”
The use of AI was also heavily debated including this following regulation. The new agreement says AI in the media cannot be used as a replacement of the writers but may be used to assist them on their projects. AI must also be credited when used at all times.
“AI can’t write or rewrite literary material, and AI-generated material will not be considered source material under the MBA, meaning that AI-generated material can’t be used to undermine a writer’s credit or separated rights,” reads the contract.
The writers have declared victory over what they called the previously unjust paid working conditions, but may have long-lasting effects on the industry.
“This put many people out of work, not just production staff and actors, but many ancillary employees too, including hair and makeup people, set dressers, caterers, transport drivers etc.: a huge number of people lost their incomes from one day to the next. This was considered worthwhile and necessary in order to achieve a fair deal from the networks and streaming services that employ them. All scripted productions ceased and any writing of scripts for future episodes and new series immediately stopped,” said a media executive of a national broadcast network off-the-record.
“There was less of an impact on streamers who source their programming from all over the world and in different languages.” The executive added that networks are in a different position compared to streamers because of the episodes that had already been shot and that they could air.
The new WGA deal means writers and show runners can go back to work and prepare scripts for shows that can go once the actors strike is over. Although the agreement will only last until 2026, the WGA agreement is seen as fair and will hopefully ensure scripted programming can go ahead in these difficult economic times. How does this affect us at Mayfield? Mayfield students have been devastated as many of their favorite shows have been canceled or put on hold. Netflixs’ Stranger Things season 6 was canceled and Hulus’ Euphoria won’t reach the screens until 2025.
“I was so heartbroken to hear that my favorite shows were postponed. It really shows how the writers’ strike hit close to home,” said Mia Palafox ‘26. “I didn’t realize the immediate impact on people outside of the media until I heard about the later show releases.”